Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Forgive me, New Orleans

Through it all, the words from the Simpson's episode "A Streetcar Named Marge" have been running through my head:

Long before the SuperDome,
Where the Saints of football play,
Lived a city that the damned called home,
Hear their hellish roundelay...

New Orleeeans...
Home of pirates, drunks, and whores!
New Orleeeans...
Tacky, overpriced, souvenir stores!
If you want to go to Hell, you should make that trip
to the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Mississipp'!

New Orleeeans...
Stinking, rotten, vomiting, vile!
New Orleaaans...
Putrid, brackish, maggoty, foul!
New Orleeeans...
Crummy, lousy, rancid, and rank!

New Orleeeans!

I understand that The Simpsons caught a lot of flack for that.

I can't really argue with any of this, and, although I've shared the sentiment while walking through the Quarter during Mardi Gras, I love it just the same.

I really do. I can't think of any place I'd rather live than the Quarter.

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Blogger Laurie said...

The Simpsons writers are simply genius. I could never argue with anything they write and this is no exception. Everything they wrote is true and exactly what makes that wonderful piece of life so unique.

Any offense taken would have been quickly obliterated by your last two sentences. I couldn't agree more.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 5:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Came by way of Laurie. There was a wonderful article in Sunday's NYTimes entitled "Tribute: What it Means to Miss New Orleans". It was wonderful. I laughed and I cried.
I will try to get the link to it up on my blog today.

My son was a sophomore at Loyola. He started GA State U today, and we are grateful for their help, taking close to 1000 displaced students (many LA and MS residents), but it ain't the same as his sweet l'il house on Carondelet. :(

Wednesday, September 07, 2005 10:12:00 AM  

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